
How To Write A Love Poem?

Step 1: Don’t write a love poem Love is one of the most common themes of poetry, which makes it one of the most difficult to write about. Nearly everything to be said and written about love has already been said and written, many times over. The greatest masters of lyric and poetry have tackled …

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Support and Encouragement Poems

If you’ve never needed encouragement in your life, you are probably not human. If you’ve never needed the support of friends or family, you probably live on a deserted island. If you’ve never experienced frustration or pain, you probably have never left your room or related with another human being. I had a good head …

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Encouragement Poems

Anyone who says he doesn’t need encouragement at some time in his life is a liar. Inspiration and support fuel our human psyche. With enough contact and support, you can literally do anything. I love motivational phrases and sayings. I love encouragement poems and anything that inspires me to keep going. I was like most …

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Healing Encouragement Poems

Encouragement poems are for when your heart is hurting and needs healing. The world may not be ending for anyone else, but it feels like it’s ending for you. This is when you need support and encouragement the most, when you need unconditional love words and healing. I grew up with a good head on …

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Endearing Short Love Poems

Writing endearing short love poems means that your recipient feels much closer and much more special to you after she reads your love words. I imagine the recipient would be your spouse. Writing something that makes her feel special is about your partner feeling understood, received, seen and appreciated. It means you get who she …

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Short Love Poems for When it Hurts

Sometimes loves hurts. Sometimes life frustrates you. Sometimes relationships require work. When you’re feeling hurt, broken, overwhelmed or frustrated with love, then support is what you need. After a breakup or a fight or feeling betrayed, all of a sudden you experience a huge vacuum of love where your heart was previously open and receiving …

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