
The Inevitability of Change

“Everything changes. Nothing remains without change” –Buddha Change is Inevitable. Whether we suffer a painful loss, endure the breakup of a relationship or lose a job, we can never escape the consequences of change. Although we may vaguely sense that someday change will happen, most of us continue to hope that it will never happen …

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Stress from COVID is making male hair loss worse – it’s time to do something about it.

The past year hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing. After living through more than a couple of lockdowns, it’s no surprise that stress is starting to take its toll on a huge number of men. With a clear end in sight and a vaccine on the horizon, there’s finally a bit of hope at the end …

Stress from COVID is making male hair loss worse – it’s time to do something about it. Read More »

5 Things All Working Millennial Women Can Do to Keep the Stress at Bay

Based on the 2012 report by the American Psychological Association, it has been established that Millennials are the most stressed generation. However, within the generation itself, women are likely to face more pressures compared to men. In fact, 51% of millennial women reported showing signs of stress like lying awake in bed at night, becoming …

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Shower Meditation

Some people like having a warm shower, while others prefer cold showers. Showering is an interesting process that makes you appreciate the fresh scent of soap and a clean feeling that allows you to feel rejuvenated as you become recharged for the day or night ahead. When you stand in the shower feeling the water …

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